Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (2024)




Rated PG


1 season available

1 season

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (1)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he realizes that she is attracted to his friend Ou Xiaojian, he kept his feelings to himself and protect her from a distance. Ma Xiaoxiao is constantly worried for Ou Xiaojian who spends his time fooling around with other delinquents. Utterly exhausted due to the problems between them, Ma Xiaoxiao and Ou Xiaojian part ways. Later, Xiaoxiao becomes a lawyer and Dongdong passes the local civil service exams. Meanwhile, Ou Xiaojian undergoes many ups and downs.1984年,十八岁的易东东跟着父母从湖南转业回广州老家,易东东对邻居马晓晓一见钟情。但谁料马晓晓早已喜欢上与自己一起长大的欧小剑,平凡的易东东只好压抑住自己的感情,选择在一旁默默守护。但马晓晓却因欧小剑与社会青年厮混而忧心不已。不久,马晓晓父亲重病,压在马晓晓身上的压力骤然增大。易东东一直陪在她身边,而此时欧小剑却仍与混混不清不楚。心力交瘁的马晓晓在与欧小剑经历种种波折后最终选择分道扬镳。 大学毕业后的马晓晓当了律师,逐渐承担起了家庭的重任。易东东也考取了广州当地的公务员,始终守护在马晓晓身旁,也一直默默在马家做事。马晓晓将易东东的心意看在眼中。终于,经历了十年暗恋的易东东打动了马晓晓,二人最终走进了婚姻的殿堂,过上了幸福的生活。

Cast & Crew

CastXu Weizhou 许魏洲Tan Songyun 谭松韵

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he realizes that she is attracted to his friend Ou Xiaojian, he kept his feelings to himself and protect her from a distance. Ma Xiaoxiao is constantly worried for Ou Xiaojian who spends his time fooling around with other delinquents. Utterly exhausted due to the problems between them, Ma Xiaoxiao and Ou Xiaojian part ways. Later, Xiaoxiao becomes a lawyer and Dongdong passes the local civil service exams. Meanwhile, Ou Xiaojian undergoes many ups and downs.1984年,十八岁的易东东跟着父母从湖南转业回广州老家,易东东对邻居马晓晓一见钟情。但谁料马晓晓早已喜欢上与自己一起长大的欧小剑,平凡的易东东只好压抑住自己的感情,选择在一旁默默守护。但马晓晓却因欧小剑与社会青年厮混而忧心不已。不久,马晓晓父亲重病,压在马晓晓身上的压力骤然增大。易东东一直陪在她身边,而此时欧小剑却仍与混混不清不楚。心力交瘁的马晓晓在与欧小剑经历种种波折后最终选择分道扬镳。 大学毕业后的马晓晓当了律师,逐渐承担起了家庭的重任。易东东也考取了广州当地的公务员,始终守护在马晓晓身旁,也一直默默在马家做事。马晓晓将易东东的心意看在眼中。终于,经历了十年暗恋的易东东打动了马晓晓,二人最终走进了婚姻的殿堂,过上了幸福的生活。

Ep 1

40 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (2)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (3)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 2

39 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (4)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (5)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 3

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (6)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (7)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 4

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (8)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (9)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 5

39 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (10)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (11)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 6

41 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (12)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (13)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 7

39 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (14)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (15)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 8

39 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (16)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (17)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 9

40 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (18)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (19)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 10

39 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (20)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (21)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 11

36 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (22)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (23)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 12

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (24)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (25)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 13

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (26)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (27)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 14

37 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (28)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (29)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 15

39 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (30)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (31)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 16

37 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (32)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (33)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 17

37 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (34)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (35)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 18

37 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (36)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (37)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 19

37 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (38)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (39)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 20

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (40)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (41)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 21

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (42)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (43)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 22

38 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (44)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (45)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 23

43 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (46)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (47)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Ep 24

43 mins

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (48)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (49)

Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiaojian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiaoxiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dongdong has had a crush on Ma Xiaoxiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dongdong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiaoxiao. When he r...

Additional Information

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (50)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (51)

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (52)Parental guidance advised for young children

Dear Mayang Street - mewatch (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 6160

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.