What Is The Meaning Behind Timbuktu (2014)

1. Deep Focus: Timbuktu - Film Comment

  • 29 jan 2015 · In this context, Timbuktu takes on an apocalyptic impact. It chronicles a kind of barbarism that rends the very fabric of historical reality.

  • Abderrahmane Sissako’s understated, humanist drama matches its emotional complexities with exquisite visuals

2. Review and Summary: Timbuktu (2014) - Ashley Hajimirsadeghi

  • 19 apr 2024 · The story of one village as it's gradually taken over by Islamic extremists. In this movie, it begins almost with a too quiet tranquility.

  • Review of Timbuktu , directed by Abderrahmane Sissako

3. Timbuktu review – defiant song of a nation in peril - The Guardian

  • 31 mei 2015 · Timbuktu is a cri de coeur against violence and intolerance, but what makes it so unusually compelling as a protest film is that it's also a ...

  • A formidable work of anger and compassion set against Mali’s bloody cultural struggle with Islamic militants

4. Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Timbuktu"

5. Abderrahmane Sissako's 'Timbuktu' (2014): Film Africa, Review |

  • 15 nov 2014 · We witness the harassment and ever-present threat of force that women living under Sharia law endure, the disproportionate 'justice' meted out ...

  • AiW Guest Sarah Jilani Returning to London for its fourth year, the Royal African Society’s Film Africa 2014 festival brought a wealth of diverse voices from Africa and beyond in a celebration of p…

6. Timbuktu review – a cry from the heart - The Guardian

  • 28 mei 2015 · The drama revolves around the death of a cow, affectionately named “GPS”: an appropriate symbol for a country that has lost its way. The film ...

  • African director Abderrahmane Sissako’s insightful drama about a family and a city shattered by bigotry and violence teeters between hope and despair

7. Timbuktu first-look review: an eloquent and complex Malian j'accuse - BFI

  • 14 mei 2014 · His latest film Timbuktu, inspired by the horror he felt at the real-life stoning to death, in July 2012, of an unmarried couple living in ...

  • Mali's brutal jihadists are depicted with oblique defiance and even compassion in this latest exemplary piece of cinema from Abderrahmane Sissako, says Geoff Andrew.

8. Timbuktu: Sequence Analysis - A World of Film

  • 11 mrt 2017 · Timbuktu is a 2014 film directed by Abderrahmane Sissako. The film follows the occupation of Timbuktu by a jihadist group based on Ansar Dine.

  • This is an unpublished essay completed for my BA Film Studies course a little under a year and a half ago. The piece is a little less polished than my recent work, but I hope is a interesting read …

9. A beautiful vision of resistance - Africa Is a Country

  • 15 feb 2015 · "Timbuktu," the first film by an African-born black filmmaker to be nominated for the best foreign language film Oscar, transcends the present.

  • Early on in Abderrahmane Sissako’s “Timbuktu,” a jihadist gets off a motorcycle in a city street and announces over a loudspeaker that from now on smoking is forbidden, music is haram, and women must cover up. The jihadists have taken over, and life is about to change for Timbuktu’s inhabitants. The rest of the film traces the way in which those words become a deadly reality. At the center of the film is Kidane (played by Ibrahim Ahmed), a Tuareg herdsman who gets caught up, along with his family, in the jihadists’ net after a fatal accident by the river one day.

10. 'Timbuktu' Sends a Powerful Message About Jihadism | PopMatters

  • Timbuktu isn't just a film about jihadism. It's a film about the vibrant cultures jihadism can eradicate if it continues to spread.

  • Cinema’s most virtuous aspect is its ability to shine a light on different cultures.

11. A Movie That Dares to Humanize Jihadists | The New Yorker

  • 5 mrt 2015 · The film tells a story about occupation, about what happens when Islamist extremists take over the town and impose a grinding interpretation of ...

  • The film is determined to let all of its characters, even the terrorists, be morally complicated.

12. Film of the week: Timbuktu | Sight and Sound - BFI

  • 27 mei 2015 · Abderrahmane Sissako's film Timbuktu takes place during the occupation of that city by Islamists. The occupiers want to enforce sharia law, ...

  • Islamism's martinets come to town in Abderrahmane Sissako’s acute, slow-burn modern tragedy, says Nick Pinkerton.

13. Gendered Resistance and Composition in the Film Timbuktu ...

  • 7 mei 2018 · By Alyne Figueiredo Gonçalves ... Timbuktu is a gorgeous movie, and when I was investigating the use of composition in it, I naively, almost ...

  • Gendered Resistance and Composition in the Film Timbuktu Alyne Figueiredo Gonçalves, Middlebury College Timbuktu is a gorgeous movie, and when I was investigating the use of composition in it, I naively, almost naturally, started focusing on the shots that were … Continue reading →

14. Timbuktu movie review & film summary (2015) - Roger Ebert

  • 28 jan 2015 · A young woman whose mother objects to a jihadist's proposal of marriage that later becomes a demand. And so on. The really killing thing about ...

  • A work of almost breathtaking visual beauty that manages to ravish the heart while dazzling the eye simultaneously, neither at the expense of the other.

What Is The Meaning Behind Timbuktu (2014)
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